Headshots for Pharmaceutical Executive

At the end of 2022, I had the incredible opportunity to photograph Susanne Fuchs.

During our time together Susanne shared this piece of advice: “Hang in there—putting in the effort and doing the work pays off. You don’t always see the fruits of your efforts until you’re older and can look back.”

Susanne’s journey to finance began in college. “My parents didn’t pay for my education. Like many, I put myself through night school while working full-time. I put in a lot of hours, sometimes not getting home until midnight. It was worth it in the long run.”

“Now, I’m at a point in my life where I want to go volunteer my time to a non-profit and be able to give back. Part of my efforts included getting a new headshot that I could have on LinkedIn. A picture says a lot—it makes a first impression. I tried to take them myself, but I quickly realized I needed someone who had the right setting, lighting, and direction – like Alissa.”

Thank you, Susanne, for sharing your sage advice and story with me.

Looking for some inspiration for your headshot? Check out my what to wear for headshot guide.

About Alissa

Alissa is a professional headshot photographer who creates photos that capture your essence. Alissa is based in New Jersey and provides her headshot services in NJ and NYC. Check out more of Alissa’s portfolio on the homepage, and read more photo stories on the blog.


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