Welcome to the Behind The Lens Networking Event Series

Future Events

September 23, 2024

Executive Women’s Restaurant Takeover, Verona, NJ

Time: 6pm

Location: Restaurant in Verona, NJ.

Space is limited. RSVP required: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGNyI25hXO4xKPK9DzlWQYoH1XcjAVTzvrmKdGspbwiuM4Vg/viewform?usp=sf_link

We'll be reaching out, confirming as we get closer. Once we reach 50 people, we'll move to a waitlist.

September 26, 2024

Hear from Melissa Cohen, LinkedIn Top Voice.

Melissa will speak about why being on LinkedIn matters and why building your personal brand is one of the most powerful things you can do for your career, whether you work in a corporation or own your own business.

Time: 6pm

Location: All About Headshots Studio

Space is limited. RSVP required: https://forms.gle/e15vJsss4CNAdq7YA

We'll be reaching out, confirming as we get closer. Once we reach 50 people, we'll move to a waitlist.

October 17, 2024

Hear from Melissa Cohen and Dr. Cindy Goodwin-Sak

Please join us for an evening of networking and a discussion of the newly released book Cindy and Melissa wrote together - Your Career Resilience Blueprint: A Tactical Guide to Navigate Change, Overcome Obstacles, and Design Your Future

They will discuss the importance of building a career that can weather any storm and share practical tips for doing so.

Time: 6pm

Location: All About Headshots Studio

Space is limited. RSVP required: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed9a9g2BGs8KVU9-OweLt4oMhXj1BMv4WfkEI5XA_9djfk8A/viewform

We'll be reaching out, confirming as we get closer. Once we reach 50 people, we'll move to a waitlist.

Future dates:

Hear from John Register.

John will speak as he shares his keynote, “Amputate to Amplify: Transforming Adversity into Advantage.” His journey from an Olympic hopeful to a Paralympic silver medalist is a story of resilience, determination, and embracing a “new normal” mindset.

The event is free, but since space is limited, an RSVP is required to attend.

Time: 6pm

Location: All About Headshots Studio

Space is limited. RSVP required: https://zurl.co/u4O0

We'll be reaching out, confirming as we get closer. Once we reach 50 people, we'll move to a waitlist.

Past Events

July 22, 2024

Executive Women’s Restaurant Takeover

Such an amazing success!

Lisa Chenofsky Singer and I hosted and we had 50 executive women network, make new connections and friends. We’re in the midst of planning the next dinner.

May 16, 2024

All About Headshots Studio Open House with Catlin O’Shaughnessy Coffrin and Michelle Bufano

A great evening of networking and an amazing program featuring personal branding strategist Cat O’Shaughnessy Coffrin and business consultant Michelle Bufano, sharing tips, best practices, and real examples about what it takes to define who you are, the value you bring, and how you show up in the world as a woman leader.