The Importance of Embracing Who We Are

Heather Gunsallus grew up in rural Pennsylvania. “Even though we didn’t have much, we opened our doors to others. When I was 10, I remember my parents opening their home to a young boy from NYC. He was part of a program where inner-city kids stay with rural families to experience life outside of the city. A young boy, about my age, with a much different background than mine.”

“I didn’t realize until later how that experience changed me. Although we did lose touch with one another, I will never forget him or that experience. Originally, I thought we were polar opposites from different worlds. But I believe that experience developed a deep desire to build diverse teams throughout my professional career. It is why I’m passionate about breaking down barriers in education. At 10, as a rural girl, it gave me a broader view of life that has served me throughout my career.”

Heather was a high-school math teacher and made the transition to the publishing field. She now works in the Education Technology field. “When I left the classroom, I was fortunate to work with incredibly powerful women mentors, leaders and co-founders of successful businesses. The company powerfully supported a balance of career and family, establishing a daycare in the office that enabled me to remain in the workforce once I got pregnant. They trusted me, challenged me, coached me, helped me learn when I stumbled and celebrated my successes. I was allowed to experience the joys and sorrows of building powerful, successful teams. This shaped who I am personally and professionally and have subsequently shaped my now 17-year-old daughter who is also a strong and deeply independent young woman.”

I asked Heather to share the advice she would have offered her younger self. “Embrace who you are and stand confident. Accept praise when offered without allowing any self-talk to diminish the accolades. When a critique is less affirming, own it and learn. Travel, explore, take chances, and trust yourself—you’ve definitely got it!”

Thank you, Heather, for the incredible honor of being a part of capturing your journey.

About Alissa

Alissa is a professional headshot photographer who creates photos that capture your essence. Alissa is based in New Jersey and provides her headshot services in NJ and NYC. Check out more of Alissa’s portfolio on the homepage, and read more photo stories on the blog.


The Importance of Being a Bridge


Headshots for Pharmaceutical Executive