Creating Trust as a Building Block for Relationships

Smiling African-American Woman Executive in Green Jacket

I had the privilege of photographing Patricia Row, Director Client Engagement at BNY Pershing X. She shared some of her journey.

“I was drawn to the financial services industry at an early age and have worked for BNY Pershing since graduating from college. As a first-generation college graduate, I found myself without a strong fluency in our business. But during that year, I had an opportunity to listen to an executive speak about our company and our clients - the importance of creating trust as a building block for relationships with them. He talked about our business in a way that resonated and allowed me to see a path for my own career.

In those early years. I leaned into listening and observing the people around me and the clients I supported. There’s so much trust created in a relationship when you get where people are at, what they value, where they need you most….and then you deliver.

As I was growing more secure in my career, my personal life took a sudden shift. The path I was on and committed to changed. You get to choose in those moments whether to wallow in the shift or own it. The period when your life is changing can feel kind of endless when, in reality, it’s temporary and quite special. I used that space of time to gain clarity. I made choices about the life I wanted, the family I wanted, and the kind of employee or manager I could be. I wanted the people most important in my life to know they could count on me. All we really have in this world is our word. I started living from a space of honoring my word, and my life transformed.

My health was a priority this past year due to surgery and the time needed for recovery. I’m fully recovered now and super active again, happily stepping back into the rhythm of being me.

In this new season of life, I desired a headshot that accurately reflects who I am. When I look at my old photo, it lacks the vibrancy and intensity that’s core to my personality. A former colleague had gone to Alissa, and I was really taken with how well she was able to capture the person that I know him to be.

When I was ready to make an appointment for a new headshot, I was a bit nervous arriving at the studio. From the moment I walked in, the professionalism and care from the team made me feel completely at ease. I can’t say enough about Lisa, the makeup artist; we had an instant connection. Alissa is like a magician. She took a test photo. When I saw it, I was genuinely surprised by how effortlessly she captured me, and I knew instantly to trust the process. I had a lot of fun. It was a great day!”


About Alissa

Alissa is a professional headshot photographer who creates photos that capture your essence. Alissa is based in New York and provides her headshot services in NJ and NYC and beyond. Check out more of Alissa’s portfolio on the homepage, and read more photo stories on the blog.


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