Headshots for Human Resources Executive, Attorney, & Entrepreneur

I had the honor of photographing Donna Hughes, and asked her what inspired her to become an executive leadership coach.

Donna said: I'm an executive leadership coach and human resources consultant, and I recently launched my own business. Early in my career no one, including myself, would have predicted I'd be an entrepreneur! At age 10, I decided I'd be a lawyer, and I saw no reason to diverge from that path. Yet somehow, I went from a commercial litigator focused on the dollars and cents in a dispute, to a Chief People Officer, using words like empathy, servant leadership and conscious capitalism! Some of the journey is still a blur, but I do remember a common thread which was my love for mentoring others, and then eventually coaching. I coached during work, after work, and on the weekend. I realized that I was willing to spend my discretionary time coaching people because there was nothing quite like witnessing the "ah ha" moment. That moment when something shifts, the limits fall away, and they use that insight to achieve what before seemed out of reach. And when leaders invest in themselves through coaching, they can take those learnings and invest in others. This is what inspires me to do what I do!

Donna’s takeaway is: When leaders invest in themselves through coaching, they can take those learnings and invest in others. This is what inspires her to do what she does.

Thank you Donna!

About Alissa

Alissa is a professional headshot photographer who creates photos that capture your essence. Alissa is based in New Jersey and provides her headshot services in NJ and NYC. Check out more of Alissa’s portfolio on the homepage, and read more photo stories on the blog.


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