The Importance of Empowering Others

This October I had the incredible honor of photographing fellow Chief Joanne Wu. I asked her to share a takeaway she’s learned in her journey thus far.

Joanne shared, “It's ok to be your own toughest critic and still love yourself fully and wholeheartedly. I grew up around the concept of ‘always better,’ but I was beating up myself with some terrible self-talk often. It is important to embrace your self-care and self-compassion, on this never ending road of self-growth and self-acceptance. The world can be pretty harsh – and you need to stay grounded in who you are and what you care about to keep your footing. Never stop believing in you.”

“My journey has been filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and stops and starts. Long ago, my younger self had thought that being a doctor meant only direct patient care. With time, I realized once you commit to being a healer and the science of healing, the passion for care never stops and one can contribute to medicine in so many different ways every day. It is having the courage to take pause and be bold enough to pivot when intuition, curiosity, and heart tells you to do so, that we have the greatest impact on the purpose of what we do.”

 “I used to take offense at being told I wear many hats, play many roles, and am a bit of a unicorn. But the older I get, the more I own my voice and my story. No one should feel like they have to be different than who they are meant to be. As long as one allows others to lovingly and respectfully do the same, we should be celebrated for exactly who we are. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy lifting others up in this journey called life. Why not empower each other every step of the way?

Empowered is how I felt during my shoot. Alissa not only made me feel comfortable and at ease, but she encouraged me to trust the process, trust the moment, trust my energy and my sass. It was good to feel like my full and whole self. And that ability is not only truly talent, but a superpower when it comes to helping people shine!”

Thanks, Joanne, for empowering others each step of the way – and for the fun shoot!

About Alissa

Alissa is a professional headshot photographer who creates photos that capture your essence. Alissa is based in New Jersey and provides her headshot services in NJ and NYC. Check out more of Alissa’s portfolio on the homepage, and read more photo stories on the blog.


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